A conservative view on history as we make it

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Stability in Baghdad

Predict This!

It has been 50 years since Iraq held their last free elections. Although turnout today started a bit slow, it culminated with an unexpected number of Iraqis showing up to vote. In some districts, people waited for hours just to participate. Dressed in their finest clothing, Iraqis showed insurgents their wholehartedness and dedication to free elections. Over 8 million voters showed up while final numbers were still being determined. That's roughly 55 to 60 percent of Iraqi registered voters. Such a huge turnout, though not expected, is crucial in determining a legitimate election....but the large numbers are a sign of something bigger in Iraq. Condeleezza Rice called it the "voice of freedom". Insurgents who promised to "wash the streets of Baghdad with the voters' blood have inadvertently failed. They wanted to cause chaos, stop the voting, and instill fear in the hearts of many. They failed all the way down the line. Although all voting booths were protected with armed guards and a myriad of defense measures... insurgents still managed to take out 36 people in a string of suicide bombings and attacks around the country with the majority occuring in Baghdad. This number, although extremely sad, is nothing compared to what the insurgents would have hoped for. The Iraqis who died should be remembered as martyrs... people who suffer to further a cause. In all, the vote was a huge success. Even in largely domianted Sunni provinces, such as Nineveh and Anbar, voter turnout was high. The final results of the election aren't to be determined for about a week. Iraq has much to celebrate this year. With an elected government, the process of drafting a constitution will begin shortly and a head of state will be chosen. Democracy in such a remote part of the world is key to the advancement of freedom. It will bathe the world like a thousand suns and the outcome will be close to bliss. What I really want to know now is what Democrats have to say about that. Just shut your mouth before you even think, you've already traveled too far down the wrong path. My gratitude to the wonderful New York Times for the information. You may be liberal, but you're still one of the greatest sources of news and so much more.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

In Response to post "Election 2008"

Kathy, that's the problem with many people. They see the war as pointless or endless. The truth is that there is a point to every war. Yes, it is sad that we have to go to war, but it is also necessary. At the very least we will be saving American lives in the long run because of the message that we're sending. We're basically saying that you don't fuck with the United States and we don't like to negotiate after bloodshed. This is one of America's most important principles and I hope that each administration stands by it and faithfully defends this country. Our survival is not guaranteed, there is no mandate from heaven saying the U.S. shall reign forever... therefore, we must propel matters of national security into the spotlight and hold on to a fist full of arrows because we're definately not going to drop the olive branch.


I changed this site so you can now post anonymously if you wish.

Saturday, January 22, 2005


One Determined Storm

A major winter storm has crawled through the midwest this weekend and it's putting New England in its sights. A low pressure system with strong circulation can be seen (not literally) moving just South of Chicago. This curious looking storm is generally associated with hurricanes... and they are related in a way, although this storm is obviously extra-tropical. Some roads may remain virtually impassible until cleared at least a couple times by plows. While the main front passed through the Chicago area over night, northeast Illinois can still expect to see lake effect snow from the tail end of the low pressure system. The characteristic low should clear the mainland by tomarrow night however and generally welcomed high pressure will be moving in. Although high pressure is associated with clear weather, it can also push in colder than average temperatures this time of year. A blizzard warning and coastal flood warning remain in effect for much of New England. Take care out there.

Friday, January 21, 2005

A Nuclear Iran

Iranian Arrogance

You poor Iranians. How could you ever be so bold and state that you fear no country, and that anyone who attacked you would be struck down. Really? That's funny. So, when you see our frigates and destroyers in the Persian Gulf not 20 miles from your coast, with squadrons of Hornets maintaining air superiority.... what are you going to do? Sorry to burst your bubble, but you CAN be attacked and you most likely WILL be destroyed. The funny thing is that I really don't think you have to worry about the U.S. first. See, there's a wonderful country about 800 miles to your west that wants it a little more. It appears that they don't like countries who want to "wipe them off the map" and then build nuclear weapons. I don't think they like that Shehab 3 either (congrats by the way, 810 miles, what.. is that a record or something?). Oh, and those jets that Israel will be using to blow your aspirations out of the water... yeah, they're American!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

What an Absolutely Wonderful Day

President Bush's inauguration today is a true reflection on the democracy of this great Republic. (you do know, that we are a republic, not a true democracy... which is a good thing) It's a great thing to be living in a country that transfers power so brilliantly and diligently, although power is just being extended this time. We definately live in one of the greatest countries of the world.

Condoleezza Rice

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Rice Confirmed

Condoleezza Rice was confirmed by the Senate Panel to be the next Secretary of State. It's absolutely pathetic that the only two to vote 'no' were John Kerry and Barbara Boxer. Of coarse, they are Democrats.
Pending approval by the full Senate, Rice would be the first black woman to hold the job.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

A Chance For Peace

With Mahmoud Abbas sworn in as the new Palestinian Authority President, Israel and the surrounding region have their best chance for peace in a long time. Everyone knows that Yassir Arafat was a hawk at heart and probably did not want to have anything to do with peace solely because of his long reign as a terrorist. Mahmoud Abbas appears to be the opposite of Arafat yet he has much needed support and respect from his people. (In a brief ceremony in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Mr. Abbas struck a mostly conciliatory note and called for a cease-fire with Israel after more than four years of violence. (NYT)). Peace in this region of the world would set a huge example on other affairs regarding sovereignty of nations that should exist. Palestine will one day (soon) be a country.... just as it was over 60 years ago. Check this link for more headlines - http://www.nytimes.com

Guilty on All Counts

FORT HOOD, Tex., Jan. 14 - The Army reservist accused of being the ringleader in the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal was found guilty on all charges by a military jury here Friday night, a year to the day after the Pentagon began an investigation into photographs showing Iraqi detainees bound and brutalized or forced into sexually humiliating positions. (NY Times) This is a very good thing. Why would anyone want to abuse prisoners... they're already suffering and rightfully so. This guy seems to never show any emotion or he'll appear with a demonic smile when walking out of the court. You think he can pretend for another 15 years?

Supreme Court Twins?

Is it just me... because it might be. I was just noticing a picture of all the Supreme Court Justices. You know, the picture that's probably going into all history books for the Rehnquist court. Take a look at David Souter (in the back.. second from the left) and Stephen Breyer (in the back.. first on the right). Now don't tell me that they don't have any common facial features. At least from this perspective.. they appear to be twins. Anyone know if this was stated by anyone else? Or am I just looking too much into the photo? http://www2.als.edu/faculty/sgottlieb/SCourt.jpg

Freezing Temperatures - Frozen Floods

Chicagoans brace for the bitter cold snap, which is expected to last for awhile. From slick streets to frozen flooded roadways, the drastic drop in temperatures is causing problems across the area.
ABC7 Video Clip

Wow, I guess my last post is absolutely meaningless. We are no where near spring in Chicago now. For that matter, the entire country seems to have dipped to subfreezing temperatures. Try and stay warm! Definately don't go outside if you don't have to.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Spring in Chicago

Feels pretty good in Chicago. It looks like the South is getting above normal temperatures as well. Any meterologists out there with explanations? Not that it's a bad thing.. just a little off.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

California Mudslides

I'm hearing alot on California weather. There's terrible flooding, mudslides, you name it. If there's anyone from that state and can inform us all a little better on your climate it would be appreciated. I know that during the winter is when most of the rain comes in from the coast and the L.A. river is almost overflowing. Any insight as to why this occurs or any ways to help reduce the damage?

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Election 2008

I want to know... who do you think is going to run in 2008? It could be anyone.

Red Cross Posted by Hello

Tsunami Effort

An absolute shear tragedy occured on December 26, 2004 that I'm sure you are all well aware of. It is greatly appreciated by the many affected each and every penny donated by individuals. However, if you plan on donating... be very aware of the fraudulent people trying to scam others. A very good site is www.redcross.org There, you can donate as you wish and help out other causes as well. Hopefully, the nations bordering the Indian Ocean will never experience such devistation again. God bless you all.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

My father is on the bottom right. He was born in Puerto Rico and served in Korea for the United States Posted by Hello

I just arrived in England and I was quite excited so I decided to capture the moment Posted by Hello

What do you think of President Bush so far?

I want to know what you think of President Bush's actions since 2000. Feel free to express any opinion that you have!


What is there not to like about being a conservative? You adhere to values that do nothing but add quality to an already very meaningful life. You wouldn't cheat on your wife (I hope not). You seem to be more independent. The United States is our playing field and our only home. Why would anyone want to be a liberal? Albeit, there's a necessity for liberals to form some sort of balance. But seriously, what's so good about collecting welfare checks? What pride is there in pretending to be for gay rights or African American rights when your only ambition is to please others and make yourself look good. (I mean, do it for the right reason). And what sense of security or closure can you really feel when a convicted killer is walking the streets? I hope there's some liberals out there who can give me well thought out respopnses.

Beginning of Something?

This is a web log (blog) created with you in mind. Have anything to say? It's simple, just make sure you have an account (free and quick :) then post whatever the hell you want. You can respond to my posts or you can start something new. The freedom is yours. If you're a democrat, fuck off!!! Just kidding.

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