A conservative view on history as we make it

Friday, January 21, 2005

Iranian Arrogance

You poor Iranians. How could you ever be so bold and state that you fear no country, and that anyone who attacked you would be struck down. Really? That's funny. So, when you see our frigates and destroyers in the Persian Gulf not 20 miles from your coast, with squadrons of Hornets maintaining air superiority.... what are you going to do? Sorry to burst your bubble, but you CAN be attacked and you most likely WILL be destroyed. The funny thing is that I really don't think you have to worry about the U.S. first. See, there's a wonderful country about 800 miles to your west that wants it a little more. It appears that they don't like countries who want to "wipe them off the map" and then build nuclear weapons. I don't think they like that Shehab 3 either (congrats by the way, 810 miles, what.. is that a record or something?). Oh, and those jets that Israel will be using to blow your aspirations out of the water... yeah, they're American!


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