A conservative view on history as we make it

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Condoleezza Rice


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In any normal democratic society, there is NOBODY who can win 100% support. Let alone someone who has presided over security policies that took the nation to war with information that proved at best inadequate. Someone who dismissed as 'not specific' a report titled "Bin Laden determined to attack inside America" and went on vacation.
The question you should ask is: why didn't anyone in the government challenge her?

9:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

it Seems to me that you pay too close attention to films such as Fahrenheit 911. Perhaps you should check your facts a little more often. Michael Moore is pathetic anyway.

12:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It Seems to me that you pay too close attention to films such as Fahrenheit 911. Perhaps you should check your facts a little more often. Michael Moore is pathetic anyway.

12:00 AM


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