A conservative view on history as we make it

Saturday, January 08, 2005


What is there not to like about being a conservative? You adhere to values that do nothing but add quality to an already very meaningful life. You wouldn't cheat on your wife (I hope not). You seem to be more independent. The United States is our playing field and our only home. Why would anyone want to be a liberal? Albeit, there's a necessity for liberals to form some sort of balance. But seriously, what's so good about collecting welfare checks? What pride is there in pretending to be for gay rights or African American rights when your only ambition is to please others and make yourself look good. (I mean, do it for the right reason). And what sense of security or closure can you really feel when a convicted killer is walking the streets? I hope there's some liberals out there who can give me well thought out respopnses.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You conservatives make me sick, I wish I could vomit all over each and every one of you. If the conservatives ruled the world it wouldn't be worth living.

8:16 PM

Blogger Tony said...

That's great Anymous! Now if you could only explain why you feel that way, I'd very much appreciate it. I really want to know what's on your mind. My view is that a typical liberal would just say something derrogatory, stay anonymous (which, I really have no problem with) and leave it at that. Maybe you could prove me wrong and elaborate a little on your thoughts. Thanks for the post though :)

8:22 PM

Blogger Tony said...

Absolutely not! George W. Bush is a great President. I wasn't really refering to anyone. It's just that... if you're going to be for a certain freedom or stand on a certain platform, don't do it for yourself or because you think that people will like you more. And I don't believe Bush is against African Americans in any way. If I thought that, I surely would be protesting against him.

7:15 PM

Blogger Tony said...

Absolutely not. I believe Cheney knows that gays aren't going to be especially fond of the Bush administration because of their views on the marriage issue. Just because his daughter is gay doesn't mean Cheney would "use" her. I don't think that anyone in the Bush administration thinks in that regard. Besides, we obviously didn't need the gay vote to win the election. Today is Bush's inauguration... Thank God it isn't Kerry's.

7:53 AM

Blogger Kathy Schrenk said...

I have never made a conscious decision to be a "liberal." The views that I hold I hold because my conscience and my experience guide me to do so. I value clean air, clean water and preservation of wildlands, so I favor restrictions on corporate pollution and encouragement of recycling and conservation by individuals and corporations. I believe homosexuality is an inherent trait, not a choice, and homosexuals should be valued by society as heteros are. (I also don't understand any of the right wing's arguments against gay marriage; marriage in this country today is not a religous, but a state institution; if you don't want gays marrying in your church, that is absolutely your right, but if you don't want them marrying in your local courthouse, it is only because you dislike their practices.) I think abortion is a terrible thing that no one should experience, but I don't think that making it illegal is the answer. I am considered a "liberal," but I believe government should shrink and butt out on most issues. My values are, to me, righteous. They are well thought-out and based partially on my Methodist upbringing. I believe in "live-and-let-live," individual rights and the right to pursue happiness. I would argue that most "conservatives" do not.

I don't understand your comment about welfare checks. Nor do I understand why you think liberals are "for" certain things to "please others" or "look good."

7:05 PM

Blogger Tony said...

I think any respectable person should value clean air regardless of their political affiliation. However, some of the motives behind this administrations actions towards wildlife were alot more complex than just disregarding life for the sake of money. There's always more to headlines in the news, and you (not you.. but anyone)really have to filter some things on your own and put together the rest. As far as gay marriage... I believe homosexuals are entitled to everything they should be, but marriage is crossing the line. The purpose of marriage is for two members of the opposite sex to live a cherished and wonderful life together if they love eachother, and perhaps have kids to continue life. Homosexual couples can be recognized but there's really no point in turning marriage into something its not. I strongly support Bush if he pushes for that amendment. As for abortion, I don't really like to get into that other than that it is a terrible thing. When I was talking about welfare checks, I mean most people who are on welfare love the government because they think that we can just pay everyone who can't get a job and it's not hurting us. Well here's a little secret... it does hurt us.. alot. Granted there are some people who really need it and benifit from it... and that's okay. There's also too many people who are abusing it. Welfare reform was an excellent idea in the 90's, but we need a different form of it now. We need to restructure it and tighten the quotas for it. And it just seems to me that many liberals are that way because they think it's the "cool" thing to do... I'm talking about the young people. Well... it's not cool... at all.

6:41 PM

Blogger Kathy Schrenk said...

Here's a conservative argument I sincerely don't understand, with regard to gay marriage. I completely understand why people don't want gays marrying in their church. That is totally up to them. But legal marriage, as it is today, is a governmental institution, not a religious one. My marriage ceremony took place inside a courthouse in the office of the judge who performed the ceremony. Why would it make marriage "something it is not" to allow two people of the same gender to take part in that same exercise?

I am even more preplexed by the people who say that "real" marriages will be degraded if gays are allowed to marry. I strongly believe that, if people *really* want to "defend" marriage, they should be going after people who marry, say five times, or people who, ala Brittney Spears, get married sort of as a joke and get an anullment or divorce right away. Why is gay marriage more threatening to straight marriage than that?

12:48 PM

Blogger Tony said...

Okay.. let's put it this way and hopefully you at least understand what my views on the matter are. I believe marriage is a sacred oath that a man and woman take together to affirm their love for eachother. It is representative of the mutual respect granted to one another as well as a statement to the rest of society that these two individuals have found their place and maybe one day they'll have kids and teach them the right things in life. I believe God looks unto each marriage and smiles most of the time because people have found a way to show endurring love and devotion. When two members of the same sex wish to get married...to put it bluntly, there is no point. They aren't going to add any kids to the circle of life, and I would bet my life that most of them feel lust and not true love. God doesn't neccesarilly look down on these people in a bad way, he sees them as just having fun (for them) but nothing more. Although I could not see even a bit of fun in homosexual matters, people do alot of weird things, especially when pertaining to sex.. which is another issue altogether. Why can't people just relax a little, all of the fun is there.... and it's your own fault if you have sex so often that the normal routine gets boring... that's just stupidity.

10:19 AM


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