A conservative view on history as we make it

Saturday, May 14, 2005

U.S. Border Control - Minutemen

What a wonderful country we live in. A marvelous place where we can work, live and love eachother. Right? Am I missing something? Of course this nation has many problems. It's quite inevitable for such a nation and just about impossible for any nation not to have problems. Alot of people like to argue about which of our problems are worse and which require more attention. I think that our top priority (after safety and anti-terrorism) should be the security of our nation. All along the 2000 mile border with Mexico, Americans are plagued with problems. From San Ysidro to Brownville, one could easily pass through the United States without recognizing their own country. Some of the poorest counties in the U.S. rest on the border. Additionally, more than a third of U.S. border families live at or below the poverty line. This is no coincidence. The number of illegal immigrants comming in from Mexico is an astonishing three million a year... and that number is growing dramatically.
There is no doubt as to why immigrants come to America, but so many comming in droves can disrupt the economic balance of our country. There are regulations and laws in place to help legal immigrants succeed in this country and actually contribute to it. Illegal immigrants are a major detrement to our society. This is why I am a strong supporter of the Minuteman Project. This organizational unit really has no structure, yet is comprised of some of the most patriotic and dedicated Americans. You can read more about the Minutemen by clicking on the title of this entry. The only true opponents to this project are bleeding heart liberals, and they just like to make everyone else sick.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for a bleeding hart liberal in 04! Since Bush gave his surrender speech ("vigilantes" - - my as-!) terrorists got new life; attacks are up and thousands killed. What is the dif between Bush "let's give up" and JFK "wrong war"?
Pat Kelly

4:26 PM


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