Here Come the Losers
Lately, it's been pretty hard to not find any news about President Bush and his plan for Social Security. It's rather hilarious how the liberal media has begun to pick away at every single aspect of the plan yet they have no response when asked what should happen instead. Consistant headlines are running proclaiming " Can Bush Win " or "Will Bush fail". The New York Times just conducted a poll stating that the majority of Americans feel out of step with Bush's policies. The truth is that Bush already won America's support when he got re-elected. Like it or not, but President Bush is going to find a way to gain bipartisan support and pass whatever measures or bills he needs to get the job done. Here's the deal on the New York Times' poll anyways. Only a little over 1100 people were surveyed. That alone is enough reason to dismiss any results. Besides that, the numbers were so close to borderline that the margin of error could give a completely different result and swung everyone in favor of Bush's plan. But that wouldn't have made the news, would it? Sometimes these polls are put together so quick just to start some news and their done so sloppy that it makes the reporting agency look like shit. The variations in the wording of questions can also be quite misleading. For example, of coarse an overwhelming majority would be against private accounts if it COST THEM MONEY. That's one of the more obvious ones. So much for good journalism.
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