The Bush Policy
Although President Bush is definately not the first President to propose a rather radical change, privatizing social security remains a formidable platform for him. It will, without a doubt, be very tough for him to pull it off. And yes, I'm totally for it.. I don't want to have to pay social security all my life and then turn 62 and find out I get nothing. Private investments are a genius way to keep it running. No body knows where or how to invest your money better than you do. I believe if he is to make the neccessary changes, that it should come quite swiftly. In 2006, we have elections for numerous governors and other officials, but more importantly, the entire House and 1/3 of the Senate is up for grabs as well. The last 2 years of a Presidents term tend not to go so well, especially for a second and final term. Let's take a look at a few of them. Woodrow Wilson, a great President (one of only few Democrats I can say that about). He accomplished alot but failed to win approval of the Versailles treaty ending WW I. FDR failed to pack the Supreme Court and failed (in the off-year elections) to purge his party of conservatives.
Harry Truman had Korea to deal with, Ike was caught lying to the public about the U-2 flights over Russia, Nixon had Watergate, Reagan had Iran-contra and Clinton had Monica. Nevertheless, I believe that this President is above lying to the public or anyone for that matter. He sees no sense in it, as there is none. This is a major contributing factor to the nation being astounded at some of Bush's actions. Take Iraq for example... we did strike rather boldly (and that's how we do things in this country.. it's simple, you talk and negotiate or you better run and hide in a hole). Yet, what was President Bush to do, tell everyone that Iraq is doing fine and that Saddam is a good guy deep down? I hope that if this administration has any premonition on what we're going to do with Iran or Korea, that it be let known immediately... and let the public slowly realize that what seems like irresponsible action is just an excellent decision that takes time to produce results.
George W. Bush is not above lieing to the public!
(1) He has lied about his military service to our country.
(2) He has lied about his personal use of illegal drugs.
(3) He has lied about his administration's profitting from corporate greed and the Iraq war.
(3) He has lied about his use of a hidden audio prompter during last year's presidential debates.
(4) He has lied about the certainty of WMD's in Iraq.
(5) He has lied about Iraq's involvment in the 9/11 attacks.
These are only a few of his biggest lies.
His latest big lie is the critical state of Social Security.
2:28 PM
David, calm down... I don't thing that there is a single person in the world who hasn't lied at least 100 times in their lives. I mean think about it.. we all lie, even about what seems to be pointless lies, but there's a point to everything. Although lying almost always will make matters worse, sometimes it's needed in mild forms. Don't ask me for what or when, but I know that it is. As for President Bush, how come he hasn't been impeached yet on any of the five things you said were his biggest lies? Maybe because they all go unfounded... it's all speculation, just like we never landed on the moon. Do you believe that one too? One of the biggest problems with lying is that if you get some misleading information or you interpret facts the wrong way, they turn into blatent lies. I encourage you to go to
I have the link on my main page. It's an excellent site that sorts the facts from statements made by mostly everyone involved in politics. Furthermore, it will definately show you that maybe Bush wasn't lying at all, or more importantly, if he did lie.. it wasn't intentional AND he took steps to correct the bad U.S. intelligence.
3:08 PM
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